About ArtTeacherEDU.org

To get in contact with us for updates or anything else, please email here: [email protected].

What We Offer

An introduction to the arts has long been recognized as vital to developing well-rounded students. Not only does the study and practice of visual art help develop spatial intelligence applicable to such fields as architecture and engineering, it also contributes to a greater richness of character and a deeper connection to cultural heritage.

With the interest of both students and teachers in mind, ArtTeacherEDU.org was created to serve as a resource for aspiring teachers interested in bringing the joy of artistic expression to young learners. ArtTeacherEDU.org provides detailed guides for each state that describe exactly what it takes to become a licensed educator with the credentials necessary to teach art at the primary, middle and secondary levels.

From salary expectations and job growth projections, to pedagogy and core content courses common to teacher preparation programs in the visual arts, the information found on ArtTeacherEDU.org will serve as an indispensible resource to aspiring art teachers in every state.

If you are interested in learning how to become qualified to teach art in your state, you are encouraged to use this resource freely to find schools, prepare for competency assessments and learn what’s required to maintain your teaching credential throughout your career.